
Interlock switches are essential safety components within microwave ovens, designed to protect users from harmful microwave radiation and prevent accidents during operation. In this article, we will explore the functions, types, and significance of interlock switches in microwave ovens.

Functions of Interlock Switches

Safety Mechanism: The primary function of interlock switches is to ensure the safety of microwave oven users. These switches are strategically placed within the appliance to prevent it from operating when the door is open or not securely latched. This prevents accidental exposure to microwave radiation.

Microwave Emission Control: Interlock switches serve as a crucial barrier to the emission of microwave radiation. When the door is open or not fully closed, these switches interrupt the electrical circuit responsible for generating microwaves, effectively shutting down the microwave emission.

Types of Interlock Switches

There are typically two main types of interlock switches used in microwave ovens:

Primary Interlock Switch: This switch is located near the door latch. When the door is opened, the primary interlock switch is triggered, breaking the electrical circuit that powers the magnetron (the component that generates microwave radiation). It is responsible for the immediate cessation of microwave emission when the door is ajar.

Secondary Interlock Switch: The secondary interlock switch is a backup safety feature. It is typically a normally closed switch positioned within the microwave oven door's latch mechanism. When the door is closed and latched securely, the secondary interlock switch is activated, completing the circuit and allowing the microwave to operate. If the primary switch fails, the secondary switch acts as a fail-safe, ensuring that the microwave will not operate with the door open.

Significance of Interlock Switches

The importance of interlock switches in microwave ovens cannot be overstated:

User Safety: Interlock switches are the primary means by which microwave ovens protect users from exposure to harmful microwave radiation. They ensure that the microwave operates only when the door is securely closed, preventing accidents.

Regulatory Compliance: Microwave ovens must meet stringent safety standards and regulations to be sold in the market. Interlock switches are integral to achieving this compliance by preventing microwave radiation leakage.

Accident Prevention: Interlock switches prevent unintentional opening of the microwave door while the appliance is in use. This helps prevent accidents and injuries.

Microwave Functionality: While safety is their primary purpose, interlock switches also ensure the proper functionality of the microwave oven by allowing it to operate only under safe and closed conditions.


Interlock switches are the unsung heroes of microwave ovens, ensuring the safety of users by preventing exposure to microwave radiation and averting accidents during operation. Their crucial role in regulatory compliance and accident prevention makes them indispensable components in microwave ovens, underlining the importance of their proper functioning in these common kitchen appliances.