ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) safe shoes or foot straps are designed to prevent the build-up and discharge of static electricity from the human body, protecting sensitive electronic components and devices. 

Here are some key points about ESD safe shoes and foot straps:

ESD Safe Shoes:

Construction: ESD safe shoes are constructed using materials that have inherent static dissipative properties. They typically have conductive or anti-static soles made of materials like carbon rubber or dissipative polyurethane. The uppers of the shoes are also made from materials that reduce static charge generation.

Electrostatic discharge pathway: ESD safe shoes provide a controlled path for static charges to dissipate. The conductive or anti-static soles of the shoes are designed to maintain a specific level of electrical resistance, allowing static electricity to flow from the body through the shoes and into the ground.

Grounding: To effectively discharge static charges, ESD safe shoes should be connected to a grounding system. This is typically achieved by using conductive flooring or floor mats that are grounded. When walking on such surfaces, the shoes help to maintain a grounded connection, preventing the build-up of static electricity.

Compliance with industry standards: ESD safe shoes should meet industry standards and requirements for ESD protection. These standards define specific resistance ranges for the soles and specify the testing methods to ensure the shoes provide effective static dissipation.

Foot Straps:

Function: Foot straps, also known as heel straps or grounding straps, are worn around the heel or sole of the foot. They provide a direct electrical connection between the person and a grounding point, such as an ESD mat or a grounded work surface.

Grounding: Foot straps typically consist of an adjustable strap made of conductive material, such as conductive nylon, with a contact plate or snap that connects to a grounding cord. The grounding cord is then connected to an appropriate grounding point, allowing static charges to be safely discharged.

Size and fit: Foot straps should be adjustable to accommodate different foot sizes and provide a snug fit to ensure a good electrical connection. The contact plate or snap should make proper contact with the skin to allow effective grounding.

Maintenance: Foot straps should be kept clean and periodically inspected for any signs of wear or damage. They should be securely fastened and connected to the grounding system before handling sensitive electronic components.

Both ESD safe shoes and foot straps are used to minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge and protect sensitive electronics. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the work environment and personal preference. It's important to follow industry standards and guidelines for ESD control and ensure proper grounding to maintain effective static dissipation.